Source code for torch_geometric_signed_directed.utils.signed.unhappy_ratio

import torch
import scipy.sparse as sp

from ..general.scipy_sparse_to_torch_sparse import scipy_sparse_to_torch_sparse

[docs]class Unhappy_Ratio(torch.nn.Module): r"""A calculation of the ratio of unhappy edges among all edges from the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering <>`_ paper. Args: A_p (scipy sparse matrices): Positive part of adjacency matrix A. A_n (scipy sparse matrices): Negative part of adjacency matrix A. """ def __init__(self, A_p: sp.spmatrix, A_n: sp.spmatrix): super(Unhappy_Ratio, self).__init__() D_p = sp.diags(A_p.transpose().sum( axis=0).tolist(), [0]).tocsc() mat = D_p - (A_p - A_n) self.mat = scipy_sparse_to_torch_sparse(mat) self.num_edges = len((A_p - A_n).nonzero()[0])
[docs] def forward(self, prob: torch.FloatTensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Making a forward pass of the calculation of the ratio of unhappy edges among all edges. Arg types: * prob (PyTorch FloatTensor) - Prediction probability matrix made by the model Return types: * loss value (torch.Tensor). """ device = prob.device mat = result = torch.zeros(1).to(device) for k in range(prob.shape[-1]): prob_vector_mat = prob[:, k, None] numerator = (torch.matmul(torch.transpose( prob_vector_mat, 0, 1), torch.matmul(mat, prob_vector_mat)))[0, 0] result += numerator return result/self.num_edges