Source code for torch_geometric_signed_directed.utils.general.node_split

from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple

import torch
import numpy as np
from import Data

[docs]def node_class_split(data: Data, train_size: Union[int, float] = None, val_size: Union[int, float] = None, test_size: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size: Union[int, float] = None, train_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, val_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, test_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed: List[int] = [], data_split: int = 10) -> Data: r""" Train/Val/Test/Seed split for node classification tasks. The size parameters can either be int or float. If a size parameter is int, then this means the actual number, if it is float, then this means a ratio. ``train_size`` or ``train_size_per_class`` is mandatory, with the former regardless of class labels. Validation and seed masks are optional. Seed masks here masks nodes within the training set, e.g., in a semi-supervised setting as described in the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering <>`_ paper. If test_size and test_size_per_class are both None, all the remaining nodes after selecting training (and validation) nodes will be included. Arg types: * **data** (Data or DirectedData, required) - The data object for data split. * **train_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **val_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **test_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) * **seed_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **train_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **val_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **test_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for the testing dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) * **seed_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **seed** (An empty list or a list with the length of data_split, optional) - The random seed list for each data split. * **data_split** (int, optional) - number of splits (Default : 10) Return types: * **data** (Data or DirectedData) - The data object includes train_mask, val_mask and test_mask. """ if train_size is None and train_size_per_class is None: raise ValueError( 'Please input the values of train_size or train_size_per_class!') if seed_size is not None and seed_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The seed_size_per_class will be considered if both seed_size and seed_size_per_class are given!') if test_size is not None and test_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The test_size_per_class will be considered if both test_size and test_size_per_class are given!') if val_size is not None and val_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The val_size_per_class will be considered if both val_size and val_size_per_class are given!') if train_size is not None and train_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The train_size_per_class will be considered if both train_size and val_size_per_class are given!') if len(seed) == 0: seed = list(range(data_split)) if len(seed) != data_split: raise ValueError( 'Please input the random seed list with the same length of {}!'.format(data_split)) if isinstance(data.y, torch.Tensor): labels = data.y.numpy() else: labels = np.array(data.y) masks = {} masks['train'], masks['val'], masks['test'], masks['seed'] = [], [], [], [] for i in range(data_split): random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed[i]) train_indices, val_indices, test_indices, seed_indices = get_train_val_test_seed_split(random_state, labels, train_size_per_class, val_size_per_class, test_size_per_class, seed_size_per_class, train_size, val_size, test_size, seed_size) train_mask = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) train_mask[train_indices, 0] = 1 val_mask = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) val_mask[val_indices, 0] = 1 test_mask = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) test_mask[test_indices, 0] = 1 seed_mask = np.zeros((labels.shape[0], 1), dtype=int) if len(seed_indices) > 0: seed_mask[seed_indices, 0] = 1 mask = {} mask['train'] = torch.from_numpy(train_mask).bool() mask['val'] = torch.from_numpy(val_mask).bool() mask['test'] = torch.from_numpy(test_mask).bool() mask['seed'] = torch.from_numpy(seed_mask).bool() masks['train'].append(mask['train']) masks['val'].append(mask['val']) masks['test'].append(mask['test']) masks['seed'].append(mask['seed']) data.train_mask =['train'], axis=-1) data.val_mask =['val'], axis=-1) data.test_mask =['test'], axis=-1) data.seed_mask =['seed'], axis=-1) return data
def sample_per_class(random_state: np.random.RandomState, labels: List[int], num_examples_per_class: Union[int, float], forbidden_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None, force_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> List[int]: r"""This function is modified from It samples a set of nodes per class. If num_exmples_per_class is int, then this means the actual number, if it is float, then this means a ratio. Arg types: * **random_state** (np.random.RandomState) - Numpy random state for random selection. * **labels** (List[int]) - Node labels array. * **num_examples_per_class** (int or float) - Number of nodes per class. * **forbidden_indices** (List[int]) - Nodes to be avoided when selection. * **force_indices** (List[int]) - Node list to be selected. Return types: * **selection** (List) - A list of node indices to be selected. """ num_samples = labels.shape[0] num_classes = labels.max()+1 sample_indices_per_class = {index: [] for index in range(num_classes)} # get indices sorted by class for class_index in range(num_classes): for sample_index in range(num_samples): if labels[sample_index] == class_index: if ((forbidden_indices is None or sample_index not in forbidden_indices) and (force_indices is None or sample_index in force_indices)): sample_indices_per_class[class_index].append(sample_index) # get specified number of indices for each class if isinstance(num_examples_per_class, int): return np.concatenate( [random_state.choice(sample_indices_per_class[class_index], num_examples_per_class, replace=False) for class_index in range(num_classes) ]) elif isinstance(num_examples_per_class, float): selection = [] if force_indices is None: values, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True) else: values, counts = np.unique( labels[force_indices], return_counts=True) for class_index, count in zip(values, counts): size = int(num_examples_per_class*count) selection.extend(random_state.choice( sample_indices_per_class[class_index], size, replace=False)) return selection else: raise TypeError( "Please input a float or int number for the parameter num_examples_per_class.") def get_train_val_test_seed_split(random_state: np.random.RandomState, labels: List[int], train_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, val_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, test_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, train_size: Union[int, float] = None, val_size: Union[int, float] = None, test_size: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size: Union[int, float] = None) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int], List[int]]: r"""Get train/validation/test/seed splits based on the input setting. The size parameters can either be int or float. If a size parameter is int, then this means the actual number, if it is float, then this means a ratio. Train_size or train_size_per_class is mandatory, with the former regardless of class labels. Validation and seed masks are optional. Seed masks here masks nodes within the training set, e.g., in a semi-supervised setting as described in the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering <>`_ paper. If test_size and test_size_per_class are both None, all the remaining nodes after selecting training (and validation) nodes will be included. Arg types: * **random_state** (np.random.RandomState): Numpy random state for random selection. * **train_size** (int ,optional): The size of random splits for the training dataset. * **val_size** (int, optional): The size of random splits for the validation dataset. * **test_size** (int, optional): The size of random splits for the validation dataset. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) * **seed_size** (int or float, optional): The size of random splits for the seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **train_size_per_class** (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **val_size_per_class** (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **test_size_per_class** (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for the testing dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) * **seed_size_per_class** (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. Return types: * **train_indices** (List) - A List includes the node indices for training. * **val_indices** (List) - A List includes the node indices for validation. * **test_indices** (List) - A List includes the node indices for testing. * **seed_indices** (List) - A list includes the node indices for seed nodes (could be empty). """ num_samples = labels.shape[0] remaining_indices = list(range(num_samples)) if train_size is None and train_size_per_class is None: raise ValueError( 'Please input the values of train_size or train_size_per_class!') if seed_size is not None and seed_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The seed_size_per_class will be considered if both seed_size and seed_size_per_class are given!') if test_size is not None and test_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The test_size_per_class will be considered if both test_size and test_size_per_class are given!') if val_size is not None and val_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The val_size_per_class will be considered if both val_size and val_size_per_class are given!') if train_size is not None and train_size_per_class is not None: raise Warning( 'The train_size_per_class will be considered if both train_size and val_size_per_class are given!') if train_size_per_class is not None: train_indices = sample_per_class( random_state, labels, train_size_per_class) else: # select train examples with no respect to class distribution if isinstance(train_size, int): train_indices = random_state.choice( remaining_indices, train_size, replace=False) elif isinstance(train_size, float): train_indices = random_state.choice(remaining_indices, int( train_size*len(remaining_indices)), replace=False) else: raise TypeError( "Please input a float or int number for the parameter train_size.") if seed_size_per_class is not None: seed_indices = sample_per_class( random_state, labels, seed_size_per_class, force_indices=train_indices) elif seed_size is not None: # select train examples with no respect to class distribution if isinstance(seed_size, int): seed_indices = random_state.choice( train_indices, seed_size, replace=False) elif isinstance(seed_size, float): seed_indices = random_state.choice(train_indices, int( seed_size*len(train_indices)), replace=False) else: raise TypeError( "Please input a float or int number for the parameter seed_size.") else: seed_indices = [] val_indices = [] if val_size_per_class is not None: val_indices = sample_per_class( random_state, labels, val_size_per_class, forbidden_indices=train_indices) forbidden_indices = np.concatenate((train_indices, val_indices)) elif val_size is not None: remaining_indices = np.setdiff1d(remaining_indices, train_indices) if isinstance(val_size, int): val_indices = random_state.choice( remaining_indices, val_size, replace=False) elif isinstance(val_size, float): val_indices = random_state.choice(remaining_indices, int( val_size*len(remaining_indices)), replace=False) else: raise TypeError( "Please input a float or int number for the parameter val_size.") forbidden_indices = np.concatenate((train_indices, val_indices)) else: forbidden_indices = train_indices if test_size_per_class is not None: test_indices = sample_per_class(random_state, labels, test_size_per_class, forbidden_indices=forbidden_indices) elif test_size is not None: remaining_indices = np.setdiff1d(remaining_indices, forbidden_indices) if isinstance(test_size, int): test_indices = random_state.choice( remaining_indices, test_size, replace=False) elif isinstance(test_size, float): test_indices = random_state.choice(remaining_indices, int( test_size*len(remaining_indices)), replace=False) else: raise TypeError( "Please input a float or int number for the parameter test_size.") else: # use all the rest as test set test_indices = np.setdiff1d(remaining_indices, forbidden_indices) # assert that there are no duplicates in sets assert len(set(train_indices)) == len(train_indices) assert len(set(val_indices)) == len(val_indices) assert len(set(test_indices)) == len(test_indices) assert len(set(seed_indices)) == len(seed_indices) # assert training, validation and test sets are mutually exclusive assert len(set(train_indices) - set(val_indices) ) == len(set(train_indices)) assert len(set(train_indices) - set(test_indices) ) == len(set(train_indices)) assert len(set(val_indices) - set(test_indices)) == len(set(val_indices)) if test_size is None and test_size_per_class is None: # all indices must be part of the split assert len(np.concatenate( (train_indices, val_indices, test_indices))) == num_samples if train_size_per_class is not None: train_labels = labels[train_indices] train_sum = np.sum(train_labels, axis=0) # assert all classes have equal cardinality assert np.unique(train_sum).size == 1 if val_size_per_class is not None: val_labels = labels[val_indices] val_sum = np.sum(val_labels, axis=0) # assert all classes have equal cardinality assert np.unique(val_sum).size == 1 if test_size_per_class is not None: test_labels = labels[test_indices] test_sum = np.sum(test_labels, axis=0) # assert all classes have equal cardinality assert np.unique(test_sum).size == 1 return train_indices, val_indices, test_indices, seed_indices