Source code for torch_geometric_signed_directed.utils.general.in_out_degree

from typing import Optional

import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from torch_geometric.utils.num_nodes import maybe_num_nodes

[docs]def in_out_degree(edge_index: torch.LongTensor, size: Optional[int]=None, signed: bool=False, edge_weight: Optional[torch.FloatTensor]=None) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Get the in degrees and out degrees of nodes Arg types: * **edge_index** (torch.LongTensor) The edge index from a torch geometric data / DirectedData object . * **size** (int) - The node number. * **signed** (bool, optional) - Whether to take into account signed edge weights and to return signed 4D features. Defualt is False and to only account for absolute degrees. * **edge_weight** (PyTorch Tensor, optional) - One-dimensional edge weights. (default: :obj:`None`) Return types: * **degree** (Torch.Tensor) - The degree matrix (|V|*2) when signed=False, otherwise the degree matrix (|V|*4) with in-pos, in-neg, out-pos, out-neg degrees. """ cpu_edge_index = edge_index.cpu() size = maybe_num_nodes(edge_index, size) if signed: if edge_weight is None: raise ValueError('Edge weight input should not be None when generating features based on edge signs!') else: edge_weight = edge_weight.cpu().numpy() A = coo_matrix((edge_weight, (cpu_edge_index[0], cpu_edge_index[1])), shape=(size, size), dtype=np.float32).tocsr() A_abs = A.copy() = np.abs( A_p = (A_abs + A)/2 A_n = (A_abs - A)/2 out_pos_degree = np.sum(A_p, axis=0).T out_neg_degree = np.sum(A_n, axis=0).T in_pos_degree = np.sum(A_p, axis=1) in_neg_degree = np.sum(A_n, axis=1) degree = torch.from_numpy(np.c_[in_pos_degree, in_neg_degree, out_pos_degree, out_neg_degree]).float() else: if edge_weight is None: edge_weight = np.ones(len(cpu_edge_index.T)) else: edge_weight = np.abs(edge_weight.cpu().numpy()) A = coo_matrix((edge_weight, (cpu_edge_index[0], cpu_edge_index[1])), shape=(size, size), dtype=np.float32).tocsr() out_degree = np.sum(A, axis=0).T in_degree = np.sum(A, axis=1) degree = torch.from_numpy(np.c_[in_degree, out_degree]).float() return degree