Source code for

from typing import Tuple
import random
import math

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy.random as rnd

from .SSBM import SSBM

[docs]def polarized_SSBM(total_n: int = 100, num_com: int = 3, N: int = 30, K: int = 2, p: float = 0.1, eta: float = 0.1, size_ratio: float = 1) -> Tuple[Tuple[sp.spmatrix, sp.spmatrix], np.array, np.array]: """A polarized signed stochastic block model graph generator from the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering <>`_ paper. Arg types: * **total_n** (int) - Total number of nodes in the polarized network. * **num_com** (int) - Number of conflicting communities. * **N** (int) - Default size of an SSBM community. * **K** (int) - Number of blocks(clusters) within a conflicting community. * **p** (int) - Probability of existence of an edge. * **eta** (float) - Sign flip probability, 0 <= eta <= 0.5. * **size_ratio** (float) - The communities have number of nodes multiples of each other, with the largest size_ratio times the number of nodes of the smallest. Return types: * **A_p_new, A_n_new** (sp.spmatrix) - Positive and negative parts of the polarized network. * **labels_new** (np.array) - Ordered labels of the nodes, with conflicting communities labeled together, cluster 0 is the ambient cluster. * **conflict_groups** (np.array) - An array indicating which conflicting group the node is in, 0 is ambient. """ select_num = math.floor( total_n*p/4*total_n) # number of links in large_A_p and large_A_n respectively # note that we need to add each link twice for the undirected graph tuples_full = [] for x in range(total_n): for y in range(total_n): tuples_full.append((x, y)) full_idx = random.sample(tuples_full, select_num*2) full_idx = list(set([(x[1], x[0]) for x in full_idx]) - set([(x[0], x[1]) for x in full_idx])) select_num = math.floor(len(full_idx)/2) p_row_idx = [] p_col_idx = [] p_dat = [] for p_idx in full_idx[:select_num]: p_row_idx.append(p_idx[0]) p_col_idx.append(p_idx[1]) p_dat.append(1) p_row_idx.append(p_idx[1]) p_col_idx.append(p_idx[0]) p_dat.append(1) n_row_idx = [] n_col_idx = [] n_dat = [] for n_idx in full_idx[select_num:2*select_num]: n_row_idx.append(n_idx[0]) n_col_idx.append(n_idx[1]) n_dat.append(1) n_row_idx.append(n_idx[1]) n_col_idx.append(n_idx[0]) n_dat.append(1) large_A_p = sp.coo_matrix( (p_dat, (p_row_idx, p_col_idx)), shape=(total_n, total_n)).tolil() large_A_n = sp.coo_matrix( (n_dat, (n_row_idx, n_col_idx)), shape=(total_n, total_n)).tolil() large_labels = np.zeros(total_n) conflict_groups = np.zeros(total_n) total_n_com = num_com * N # the total number of nodes in communities size = [0] * num_com if size_ratio > 1: ratio_each = np.power(size_ratio, 1/(num_com - 1)) smallest_size = math.floor( total_n_com*(1-ratio_each)/(1-np.power(ratio_each, num_com))) size[0] = smallest_size if num_com > 2: for i in range(1, num_com - 1): size[i] = math.floor(size[i-1] * ratio_each) size[num_com-1] = total_n_com - np.sum(size) else: # degenerate case, equaivalent to 'uniform' sizes size = [math.floor((i + 1) * total_n_com / num_com) - math.floor((i) * total_n_com / num_com) for i in range(num_com)] counter = 0 # a counter of how many nodes have already been counted for com in range(num_com): com_size = size[com] # the size of this conflicting group, a SSBM (A_p, A_n), labels = SSBM(n=com_size, k=K, pin=p, etain=eta, size_ratio=size_ratio) large_A_p[counter:counter+com_size, counter:counter+com_size] = A_p large_A_n[counter:counter+com_size, counter:counter+com_size] = A_n large_labels[counter:counter+com_size] = labels + (2*com + 1) conflict_groups[counter:counter+com_size] = com + 1 # start from 1 counter += com_size # do permutation # perm[i] is the new index for node i (i is the old index) # label of perm[i] should therefore be the current label of node i, similar for conflict group number np.random.seed(2020) perm = rnd.permutation(total_n) p_row_idx, p_col_idx = large_A_p.nonzero() large_A_p_values = sp.csc_matrix(large_A_p).data p_row_idx = perm[p_row_idx] p_col_idx = perm[p_col_idx] large_A_p = sp.coo_matrix( (large_A_p_values, (p_row_idx, p_col_idx)), shape=(total_n, total_n)).tocsc() n_row_idx, n_col_idx = large_A_n.nonzero() large_A_n_values = sp.csc_matrix(large_A_n).data n_row_idx = perm[n_row_idx] n_col_idx = perm[n_col_idx] large_A_n = sp.coo_matrix( (large_A_n_values, (n_row_idx, n_col_idx)), shape=(total_n, total_n)).tocsc() large_labels_old = large_labels.copy() conflict_groups_old = conflict_groups.copy() for i in range(total_n): large_labels[perm[i]] = large_labels_old[i] conflict_groups[perm[i]] = conflict_groups_old[i] # now fix the network connectedness and degree # first we fix connectedness G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(large_A_p-large_A_n) largest_cc = max(nx.connected_components(G), key=len) A_p_new = sp.lil_matrix(large_A_p[list(largest_cc)][:, list(largest_cc)]) A_n_new = sp.lil_matrix(large_A_n[list(largest_cc)][:, list(largest_cc)]) labels_new = large_labels[list(largest_cc)] conflict_groups = conflict_groups[list(largest_cc)] A_bar = sp.lil_matrix(A_p_new+A_n_new) # sum over columns to get row sums A_bar_row_sum = np.array(sp.lil_matrix.sum(A_bar, axis=1)) if np.sum(A_bar_row_sum <= 2): # only do this fix if few degree node exists for i in np.arange(len(labels_new))[(A_bar_row_sum <= 2).flatten()]: row_to_fix = A_bar[i].toarray().flatten() # only do this fix if it is (still) a degree one node, as we may fix the nodes on the way if sum(row_to_fix != 0) == 1: # add two more edges, only add to locations currently without edges node_idx = (np.arange(len(labels_new))[row_to_fix == 0])[ random.sample(range(len(labels_new)-sum(row_to_fix != 0)), 2)] flip_flag = np.random.binomial( size=2, n=1, p=eta) # whether to do sign flip for j, flip in zip(node_idx, flip_flag): # fix A_bar and then adjancency matrix A_bar[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_bar[j, i] = 1 # += 1 # only apply to conflicting groups if conflict_groups[i] == conflict_groups[j]: if labels_new[j] == labels_new[i]: if flip: A_n_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_n_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: A_p_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_p_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: if not flip: A_n_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_n_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: A_p_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_p_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: negative = np.random.binomial(size=1, n=1, p=0.5)[0] if negative: A_n_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_n_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: A_p_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_p_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 # only do this fix if it is (still) a degree two node, as we may fix the nodes on the way if sum(row_to_fix != 0) == 2: # add one more edge, only add to locations currently without edges node_idx = (np.arange(len(labels_new))[row_to_fix == 0])[ np.random.randint(len(labels_new)-sum(row_to_fix != 0), size=1)] flip_flag = np.random.binomial( size=1, n=1, p=eta) # whether to do sign flip for j, flip in zip(node_idx, flip_flag): # fix A_bar and then adjancency matrix A_bar[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_bar[j, i] = 1 # += 1 # only apply to conflicting groups if conflict_groups[i] == conflict_groups[j]: if labels_new[j] == labels_new[i]: if flip: A_n_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_n_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: A_p_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_p_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: if not flip: A_n_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_n_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: A_p_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_p_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: negative = np.random.binomial(size=1, n=1, p=0.5)[0] if negative: A_n_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_n_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 else: A_p_new[i, j] = 1 # += 1 A_p_new[j, i] = 1 # += 1 return (A_p_new, A_n_new), labels_new, conflict_groups