Source code for

from typing import Optional, Callable, Union, List

from .SDGNN_real_data import SDGNN_real_data
from .SSSNET_real_data import SSSNET_real_data
from .MSGNN_real_data import MSGNN_real_data
from .SignedData import SignedData

[docs]def load_signed_real_data(dataset: str = 'epinions', root: str = './tmp_data/', transform: Optional[Callable] = None, pre_transform: Optional[Callable] = None, train_size: Union[int, float] = None, val_size: Union[int, float] = None, test_size: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size: Union[int, float] = None, train_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, val_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, test_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed: List[int] = [], data_split: int = 10, sparsify_level: float=1) -> SignedData: """The function for real-world signed data downloading and convert to SignedData object. Arg types: * **dataset** (str, optional) - data set name (default: 'epinions'). * **root** (str, optional) - The path to save the dataset (default: './'). * **transform** (callable, optional) - A function/transform that takes in an \ :obj:`` object and returns a transformed \ version. The data object will be transformed before every access. (default: :obj:`None`) * **pre_transform** (callable, optional) - A function/transform that takes in \ an :obj:`` object and returns a \ transformed version. The data object will be transformed before \ being saved to disk. (default: :obj:`None`) * **train_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **val_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **test_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) * **seed_size** (int or float, optional) - The size of random splits for the seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **train_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **val_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **test_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for the testing dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) * **seed_size_per_class** (int or float, optional) - The size per class of random splits for seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. * **seed** (An empty list or a list with the length of data_split, optional) - The random seed list for each data split. * **data_split** (int, optional) - number of splits (Default : 10) * **sparsify_level** (float, optional) - the density of the graph, a value between 0 and 1, for MSGNN data only. Default: 1. Return types: * **data** (Data) - The required data object. """ if dataset.lower() in ['bitcoin_otc', 'bitcoin_alpha', 'wiki', 'slashdot', 'epinions']: data = SDGNN_real_data( name=dataset, root=root, transform=transform, pre_transform=pre_transform)[0] elif dataset.lower() in ['sp1500', 'rainfall', 'sampson', 'wikirfa', 'ppi'] or dataset[:8].lower() == 'fin_ynet': data = SSSNET_real_data( name=dataset, root=root, transform=transform, pre_transform=pre_transform)[0] elif dataset[:4].lower() == 'fill': data = MSGNN_real_data( name=dataset, root=root, transform=transform, pre_transform=pre_transform, sparsify_level=sparsify_level)[0] else: raise NameError( 'Please input the correct data set name instead of {}!'.format(dataset)) signed_dataset = SignedData( edge_index=data.edge_index, edge_weight=data.edge_weight, init_data=data) if train_size is not None or train_size_per_class is not None: signed_dataset.node_split(train_size=train_size, val_size=val_size, test_size=test_size, seed_size=seed_size, train_size_per_class=train_size_per_class, val_size_per_class=val_size_per_class, test_size_per_class=test_size_per_class, seed_size_per_class=seed_size_per_class, seed=seed, data_split=data_split) return signed_dataset