Source code for

from typing import Optional, List

from torch_geometric.typing import OptTensor, Tuple, Union
import scipy.sparse as sp
from torch_geometric.utils import to_scipy_sparse_matrix, is_undirected
from import Data
from torch import FloatTensor, LongTensor
import numpy as np

from ...utils.general import node_class_split, link_class_split

def sqrtinvdiag(M: sp.spmatrix) -> sp.csc_matrix:
    """Inverts and square-roots a positive diagonal matrix.

        M (scipy sparse matrix): matrix to invert
        scipy sparse matrix of inverted square-root of diagonal

    d = M.diagonal()
    dd = [1 / max(np.sqrt(x), 1 / 999999999) for x in d]

    return sp.dia_matrix((dd, [0]), shape=(len(d), len(d))).tocsc()

[docs]class SignedData(Data): r"""A data object describing a homogeneous signed graph. Args: x (Tensor, optional): Node feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_node_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_index (LongTensor, optional): Graph connectivity in COO format with shape :obj:`[2, num_edges]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_attr (Tensor, optional): Edge feature matrix with shape :obj:`[num_edges, num_edge_features]`. (default: :obj:`None`) edge_weight (Tensor, optional): Edge weights with shape :obj:`[num_edges,]`. (default: :obj:`None`) y (Tensor, optional): Graph-level or node-level ground-truth labels with arbitrary shape. (default: :obj:`None`) pos (Tensor, optional): Node position matrix with shape :obj:`[num_nodes, num_dimensions]`. (default: :obj:`None`) A (sp.spmatrix or a tuple of sp.spmatrix, optional): SciPy sparse adjacency matrix, or a tuple of the positive and negative parts. (default: :obj:`None`) init_data (Data, optional): Initial data object, whose attributes will be inherited. (default: :obj:`None`) **kwargs (optional): Additional attributes. """ def __init__(self, x: OptTensor = None, edge_index: OptTensor = None, edge_attr: OptTensor = None, edge_weight: OptTensor = None, y: OptTensor = None, pos: OptTensor = None, A: Union[Tuple[sp.spmatrix, sp.spmatrix], sp.spmatrix, None] = None, init_data: Optional[Data] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, y=y, pos=pos, **kwargs) if A is None: A = to_scipy_sparse_matrix(edge_index, edge_weight) elif isinstance(A, tuple): A_p_scipy = A[0] A_n_scipy = A[1] A = A_p_scipy - A_n_scipy self.A = A.tocoo() self.edge_weight = FloatTensor( self.edge_index = LongTensor(np.array(self.A.nonzero())) self.num_nodes = self.A.shape[0] if init_data is not None: self.inherit_attributes(init_data) def separate_positive_negative(self): ind = self.edge_weight > 0 self.edge_index_p = self.edge_index[:, ind] self.edge_weight_p = self.edge_weight[ind] ind = self.edge_weight < 0 self.edge_index_n = self.edge_index[:, ind] self.edge_weight_n = - self.edge_weight[ind] self.A_p = to_scipy_sparse_matrix( self.edge_index_p, self.edge_weight_p, num_nodes=self.num_nodes) self.A_n = to_scipy_sparse_matrix( self.edge_index_n, self.edge_weight_n, num_nodes=self.num_nodes) def clear_separate_attributes(self): for name in ['edge_index_p', 'edge_index_n', 'edge_weight_p', 'edge_weight_n', 'A_p', 'A_n']: delattr(self, name) @property def is_signed(self) -> bool: return bool(self.edge_weight.max()*self.edge_weight.min() < 0) @property def is_directed(self) -> bool: return not is_undirected(self.edge_index, self.edge_weight) @property def is_weighted(self) -> bool: self.separate_positive_negative() res = self.edge_weight_p.max() != self.edge_weight_p.min( ) or self.edge_weight_n.max() != self.edge_weight_n.min() self.clear_separate_attributes() return bool(res) def to_unweighted(self): if hasattr(self, 'edge_weight'): self.edge_weight = self.edge_weight.sign() self.A = to_scipy_sparse_matrix(self.edge_index, self.edge_weight) if hasattr(self, 'edge_weight_p'): self.separate_positive_negative()
[docs] def set_signed_Laplacian_features(self, k: int = 2): """generate the graph features using eigenvectors of the signed Laplacian matrix. Args: k (int): The dimension of the features. Default is 2. """ self.separate_positive_negative() A_p = self.A_p A_n = self.A_n A = (A_p - A_n).tocsc() D_p = sp.diags(A_p.sum(axis=0).tolist(), [0]).tocsc() D_n = sp.diags(A_n.sum(axis=0).tolist(), [0]).tocsc() Dbar = (D_p + D_n) d = sqrtinvdiag(Dbar) normA = d * A * d # normalized symmetric signed Laplacian L = sp.eye(A_p.shape[0], format="csc") - normA (vals, vecs) = sp.linalg.eigs( L, int(k), maxiter=A_p.shape[0], which='LR') vecs = vecs / vals # weight eigenvalues by eigenvectors, since smaller eigenvectors are more likely to be informative self.x = FloatTensor(vecs) self.clear_separate_attributes()
[docs] def set_spectral_adjacency_reg_features(self, k: int = 2, normalization: Optional[int] = None, tau_p=None, tau_n=None, eigens=None, mi=None): """generate the graph features using eigenvectors of the regularised adjacency matrix. Args: k (int): The dimension of the features. Default is 2. normalization (string): How to normalise for cluster size: 1. :obj:`none`: No normalization. 2. :obj:`"sym"`: Symmetric normalization :math:`\mathbf{A} <- \mathbf{D}^{-1/2} \mathbf{A} \mathbf{D}^{-1/2}` 3. :obj:`"rw"`: Random-walk normalization :math:`\mathbf{A} <- \mathbf{D}^{-1} \mathbf{A}` 4. :obj:`"sym_sep"`: Symmetric normalization for the positive and negative parts separately. 5. :obj:`"rw_sep"`: Random-walk normalization for the positive and negative parts separately. tau_p (int): Regularisation coefficient for positive adjacency matrix. tau_n (int): Regularisation coefficient for negative adjacency matrix. eigens (int): The number of eigenvectors to take. Defaults to k. mi (int): The maximum number of iterations for which to run eigenvlue solvers. Defaults to number of nodes. """ self.separate_positive_negative() A = (self.A_p - self.A_n).tocsc() A_p = sp.csc_matrix(self.A_p) A_n = sp.csc_matrix(self.A_n) D_p = sp.diags(A_p.sum(axis=0).tolist(), [0]).tocsc() D_n = sp.diags(A_n.sum(axis=0).tolist(), [0]).tocsc() Dbar = (D_p + D_n) d = sqrtinvdiag(Dbar) size = A_p.shape[0] if eigens == None: eigens = k if mi == None: mi = size if tau_p == None or tau_n == None: tau_p = 0.25 * np.mean( / size tau_n = 0.25 * np.mean( / size p_tau = A_p.copy().astype(np.float32) n_tau = A_n.copy().astype(np.float32) += tau_p += tau_n Dbar_c = size - Dbar.diagonal() Dbar_tau_s = (p_tau + n_tau).sum(axis=0) + \ (Dbar_c * abs(tau_p - tau_n))[None, :] Dbar_tau = sp.diags(Dbar_tau_s.tolist(), [0]) if normalization is None: matrix = A delta_tau = tau_p - tau_n def mv(v): return + delta_tau * v.sum() elif normalization == 'sym': d = sqrtinvdiag(Dbar_tau) matrix = d * A * d dd = d.diagonal() tau_dd = (tau_p - tau_n) * dd def mv(v): return + tau_dd * elif normalization == 'sym_sep': diag_corr = sp.diags([size * tau_p] * size).tocsc() dp = sqrtinvdiag(D_p + diag_corr) matrix = dp * A_p * dp diag_corr = sp.diags([size * tau_n] * size).tocsc() dn = sqrtinvdiag(D_n + diag_corr) matrix = matrix - (dn * A_n * dn) dpd = dp.diagonal() dnd = dn.diagonal() tau_dp = tau_p * dpd tau_dn = tau_n * dnd def mv(v): return + tau_dp * - tau_dn * else: raise NameError('Error in choosing normalization!') matrix_o = sp.linalg.LinearOperator(matrix.shape, matvec=mv) (w, v) = sp.linalg.eigs(matrix_o, int(eigens), maxiter=mi, which='LR') v = v * w # weight eigenvalues by eigenvectors, since larger eigenvectors are more likely to be informative self.x = FloatTensor(v) self.clear_separate_attributes()
def inherit_attributes(self, data: Data): for k in data.to_dict().keys(): if k not in self.to_dict().keys(): setattr(self, k, getattr(data, k))
[docs] def node_split(self, train_size: Union[int, float] = None, val_size: Union[int, float] = None, test_size: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size: Union[int, float] = None, train_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, val_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, test_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed_size_per_class: Union[int, float] = None, seed: List[int] = [], data_split: int = 2): r""" Train/Val/Test/Seed split for node classification tasks. The size parameters can either be int or float. If a size parameter is int, then this means the actual number, if it is float, then this means a ratio. ``train_size`` or ``train_size_per_class`` is mandatory, with the former regardless of class labels. Validation and seed masks are optional. Seed masks here masks nodes within the training set, e.g., in a semi-supervised setting as described in the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering <>`_ paper. If test_size and test_size_per_class are both None, all the remaining nodes after selecting training (and validation) nodes will be included. Args: data ( or DirectedData, required): The data object for data split. train_size (int or float, optional): The size of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. val_size (int or float, optional): The size of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. test_size (int or float, optional): The size of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) seed_size (int or float, optional): The size of random splits for the seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. train_size_per_class (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for the training dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. val_size_per_class (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for the validation dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. test_size_per_class (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for the testing dataset. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. (Default: None. All nodes not selected for training/validation are used for testing) seed_size_per_class (int or float, optional): The size per class of random splits for seed nodes within the training set. If the input is a float number, the ratio of nodes in each class will be sampled. seed (An empty list or a list with the length of data_split, optional): The random seed list for each data split. data_split (int, optional): number of splits (Default : 2) """ self = node_class_split(self, train_size=train_size, val_size=val_size, test_size=test_size, seed_size=seed_size, train_size_per_class=train_size_per_class, val_size_per_class=val_size_per_class, test_size_per_class=test_size_per_class, seed_size_per_class=seed_size_per_class, seed=seed, data_split=data_split)