Source code for

from typing import Optional, Tuple
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy.random as rnd

[docs]def SSBM(n: int, k: int, pin: float, etain: float, pout: Optional[float] = None, size_ratio: float = 2, etaout: Optional[float] = None, values: str = 'ones') -> Tuple[Tuple[sp.spmatrix, sp.spmatrix], np.array]: """A signed stochastic block model graph generator from the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering <>`_ paper. Arg types: * **n** (int) - Number of nodes. * **k** (int) - Number of communities. * **pin** (float) - Sparsity value within communities. * **etain** (float) - Noise value within communities. * **pout** (float) - Sparsity value between communities. * **etaout** (float) - Noise value between communities. * **size_ratio** (float) - The communities have number of nodes multiples of each other, with the largest size_ratio times the number of nodes of the smallest. * **values** (string) - Edge weight distribution (within community and without sign flip; otherwise weight is negated): 1. :obj:`ones`: Weights are 1. 2. :obj:`"exp"`: Weights are exponentially distributed, with parameter 1. 3. :obj:`"uniform"`: Weights are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Return types: * **A_p** (sp.spmatrix) - A sparse adjacency matrix for the positive part. * **A_n** (sp.spmatrix) - A sparse adjacency matrix for the negative part. * **labels** (np.array) - Labels. """ if pout == None: pout = pin if etaout == None: etaout = etain rndinrange = math.floor(n * n * pin / 2 + n) rndin = rnd.geometric(pin, size=rndinrange) flipinrange = math.floor(n * n / 2 * pin + n) flipin = rnd.binomial(1, etain, size=flipinrange) rndoutrange = math.floor(n * n / 2 * pout + n) rndout = rnd.geometric(pout, size=rndoutrange) flipoutrange = math.floor(n * n / 2 * pout + n) flipout = rnd.binomial(1, etaout, size=flipoutrange) assign = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) ricount = 0 rocount = 0 ficount = 0 focount = 0 size = [0] * k perm = rnd.permutation(n) if size_ratio > 1: ratio_each = np.power(size_ratio, 1/(k-1)) smallest_size = math.floor( n*(1-ratio_each)/(1-np.power(ratio_each, k))) size[0] = smallest_size if k > 2: for i in range(1, k-1): size[i] = math.floor(size[i-1] * ratio_each) size[k-1] = n - np.sum(size) else: # degenerate case, equaivalent to 'uniform' sizes size = [math.floor((i + 1) * n / k) - math.floor((i) * n / k) for i in range(k)] tot = size[0] cluster = 0 i = 0 while i < n: if tot == 0: cluster += 1 tot += size[cluster] else: tot -= 1 assign[perm[i]] = cluster i += 1 index = -1 last = [0] * k for i in range(k): index += size[i] last[i] = index pdat = [] prow = [] pcol = [] ndat = [] nrow = [] ncol = [] for x in range(n): me = perm[x] y = x + rndin[ricount] ricount += 1 while y <= last[assign[me]]: val = fill(values) if flipin[ficount] == 1: ndat.append(val) ndat.append(val) ncol.append(me) ncol.append(perm[y]) nrow.append(perm[y]) nrow.append(me) else: pdat.append(val) pdat.append(val) pcol.append(me) pcol.append(perm[y]) prow.append(perm[y]) prow.append(me) ficount += 1 y += rndin[ricount] ricount += 1 y = last[assign[me]] + rndout[rocount] rocount += 1 while y < n: val = fill(values) if flipout[focount] != 1: ndat.append(val) ndat.append(val) ncol.append(me) ncol.append(perm[y]) nrow.append(perm[y]) nrow.append(me) else: pdat.append(val) pdat.append(val) pcol.append(me) pcol.append(perm[y]) prow.append(perm[y]) prow.append(me) focount += 1 y += rndout[rocount] rocount += 1 return (sp.coo_matrix((pdat, (prow, pcol)), shape=(n, n)).tocsc(), sp.coo_matrix((ndat, (nrow, ncol)), shape=(n, n)).tocsc()), assign
def fill(values: str = 'ones') -> float: """A filling method for the signed stochastic block model graph generator from the `SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering" <>`_ paper. Arg types: * **values** (string): Edge weight: 'ones': Weights are 1. 'exp': Weights are exponentially distributed, with parameter 1. 'uniform: Weights are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Return types: * **value** (float): A filled value. """ if values == 'ones': return float(1) elif values == 'exp': return np.random.exponential() elif values == 'uniform': return np.random.uniform()